Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Still Fighting, for now.

It's a wonder that I haven't lost it completely. I have lost it, just not completely yet. We are hard & heavy searching for a place to live. Our time at the farm, it seems, has come and gone, and unless I can pull a miracle out of my arse and finance the place myself, I am at this point SOL. Good luck, anyhow.
We are trying to find a place that can help us to secure a mortgage so we can either A) make an offer on this place, with all it's flaws and issues or B) find a new place all together and head out. I am fine either way, but when your piggy bank is looking like this fella, most places don't want to bother with you at all.

Add to that the fact that I can't find a job to save my sorry soul, and that I have been unable to secure steady work for the past .... well, several years ... and, now I am a student, and Larry is a part time student, we'll be lucky I think, if we can find ourselves a shack in the woods. Though, I will admit, even that sounds great right about now. As long as I can keep my little boys warm, happy & fed, my husband semi-sane, and my horses near by, I will be able to breathe. I know my list is meager, really. But, I just want to cover the basics.... FAMILY, shelter, food & a means to keep Mommy sane ... 'cheap' therapy i.e. - my horses. Even with the two of them, it's cheaper than a pack of cigarettes a day, which I know many people in similar situations that smoke twice that much, and get far less satisfaction.
It's gotten rough enough, I've even applied for a job in Colorado as a farm hand. Comes with a 2 bedroom apartment. That ought to be enough, though we'd have to put college on hold, or I would have to leave the family here for a semester while I got us settled in Colorado. Don't want to do it, but I really am loosing it here, trying to find a local solution. Of course, to do that, I would have to leave my horses with my folks - at least initially. Oh, man. Why does everything have to be such a struggle all the time?

Sunday, September 5, 2010

School Daze

It's been a while, but Little Guy is headed back to a 'regular' school. He has missed playing with other kids on a regular basis, and all of his old friends have since abandoned him - knew it would happen, but hated to see him go through it. He enjoyed his time homeschooling, however, and wants to do swimming lessons and piano still. He also wants to ride the horses, but I need to get some things lined up before I go looking for a new pony for him now that his old Champ passed away this summer. BUT, I have all the confidence that he will do fine after a little re-adjustment period.
He's not the only one ....

Larry is going to college for the first time. He has chosen a career path that should be in demand no matter where we end up. He's going to become an RN. I couldn't be more proud of my darling 'Focker'. He's excited to get into classes, and though he's starting out easy and getting the prerequesites out of the way, I have full faith that he'll ROCK this. He's great with people, caring, and unlike me, does not pass out at the sight of free flowing human blood. What can I say? I guess I got a little Bella in me.
I'm headed back too. Though, my path is one that I've wanted to do for ages, but have not been encouraged by my father to follow. Not because he's unsupportive, but because he's already gone down that path, and knows first hand how tough it can be, but it is in my blood, and I can't turn my back to it forever.

I'm going to take the builder's prelicensure course this fall at SMC. I am excited to start - I've done lots of the stuff that will be covered, and when I'm through, I'll be eligible to take the test for a Michigan residential builders' license.
It's going to be a little hectic this October-November, but we'll manage. Larry's classes will run the full semester, but mine are only from Mid September to mid November. I should be able to take the test, and with any luck, be licensed by the new year. So there's my little update. Hectic times to follow.