Sunday, August 9, 2009

The BIRTHDAY week.

I swear, I am going to start keeping this up regularly. I swear. Any day now, I will get my chit together and start writing daily ... well, maybe weekly to start. Or, when something cool happens. Eh, Guess I'll keep playing it by ear, but try to up date more often.

There is a week in July that is pure birthday extravaganza around here. It kicks off on the 25th when we celebrate my hubby's birthday - not anything huge usually, just a nice quiet dinner is usually in order, and a cake of course - this year it was peanut butter cup cheesecake.
Then I get a day off to wash the pans. Then it's my little boy's birthday - that I will write more about below. Another day off, and then Mom's birthday. She got a blueberry pie and potato sausage. Silly me didn't take pics of the process.
On with the kiddo party!

It's been about 2 weeks since Larry's 7th birthday. It was a BLAST. It went far better than I had anticipated. A dear friend and mentor offered to let me borrow a couple ponies to ease the Old Man's load, and bless her heart - she brought four. FOUR. There were a total of 5 ponies of various shapes and sizes all tacked up (except for Mr. Huggs) giving rides to nearly every kid there. And, there were about 14 kids. There was very little wait time. We had some games in mind, but the ponies proved to be so much fun that we skipped over some of that other stuff :D
He had a blast with his friends, and cousins, and my friends' kids too.
We did it old school - kids, and hot dogs, and ice cream cake. And pony rides. The pony riders got ribbons for participation. We all had a nice lunch together, of course, presents, and then, a nice water fight in the back yard. There was much merriment, and all the kids went away with some bubble gum & tootsie rolls too.

Thanks AGAIN and SO MUCH to Dona, Sarah, Piper and Riley for bringing the ponies, presents, and partying with us - (a big thanks to their ponies too - Mr. Huggs, Midnight, Dreamer, and Cookie). Thanks, also to all the kids that came - Reagan, Cooper, Lillian, Scotty, Joey, Kathleen, Kyra, Hannah, Kayleigh, Lex, & Josh. Parents, it was great to see you - love you like family Jeana, and Valerie. Love you cause you ARE family Jess, Jimmer and Steph!

And, of course, it goes without saying, but I'll say it anyhow : Thanks Mom & Dad for all the effort you put into making Larry's party a success. It was afterall what he REALLY wanted for his birthday. More than any presents, or cake or balloons. He wanted to enjoy some time with his friends and the people he loves. And that's just what he got.

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